Dr Emil Nutrition 200mg 5-HTP Plus Cofactor B6

Dr Emil Nutrition

About the doctor

Dr. Emil Hodzovic has the unique distinction of being both a practicing medical doctor and recognized authority in the nutrition and supplementation fields.
Dr. Emil is a published author and contributor to popular magazines, including: Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness & the Guardian as well as various other publications.
Emil is now a highly-sought after fitness, health & nutrition coach (when he’s not saving lives in the ER).

About the brand

Harnessing Dr. Emil’s distinctive & accomplished background, our supplements are painstakingly formulated to deliver real results and are always backed by hard science and clinical data. Incorporating both time-tested & cutting-edge ingredients, our products provide superior benefits – free of gimmicks, fads and hype.

About the product

Synergistic 5-HTP Formula: Our 5-HTP is further enhanced with SAMe and L-Tryptophan, both of which have been clinically indicated to support 5-HTP conversion. in addition, there is growing scientific evidence that both ingredients may also help the conversion of 5-HTP.

Cofactor B6 for optimal results : We included a robust dosage of Vitamin B6, a vital prerequisite the body needs to convert 5-HTP. Without an optimal level of B6, the body is challenged to fully convert 5-HTP.

Mood & sleep support: Our 5-HTP augmented blend is specifically designed for maximum benefit, which has been shown to reduce stress.

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